Monday, January 28, 2019

How to Download

1. Goto "".
2. Download the latest version for Windows ==> Download Python 3.7.2
3. Double click on that ".exe" file.
4. Select Install for all users,click on NEXT Button.
5. Select Customize python,click on NEXT Button.
6. Finally click on Finish button.

Python Versions

1.Python 2.X

Version  Release Date

2.0      16-10-2000
2.1      15-04-2001
2.2      21-12-2001
2.3      29-07-2003
2.4      30-11-2004
2.5      19-09-2006
2.6      02-10-2008
2.7      03-07-2010

2.Python 3.X

Version  Release Date

3.0      03-12-2008
3.1      26-06-2009
3.2      20-02-2011
3.3      29-09-2012
3.4      17-03-2014
3.5      13-09-2015
3.6      23-12-2016
3.7      08-05-2017

What is PSF ?(Python Software Foundation)

The Python  software foundation is a non-profit corporation that holds the intellectual properly rights behind the python programming language.

History of Python

  • The history of Python starts with ABC.
  • Python was conceived in the late 1980's by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands as a successor to the ABC language (itself inspired by SETL), capable of exception handling and interfacing with the Amoeba operating system. 
  • Its implementation began in December 1989.

Characteristics of Python

  1. General-purpose programming
  2. Automatic memory management
  3. It has large and comprehensive library
  4. Python is a strong high level language
  5. Python is interpreted
  6. Python is reflective
  7. It is a dynamical type
  8. It is an open source
  9. Automatic garbage collection
  10. It is a multi-paradigm

Who Uses Python?

  1. YouTube
  2. Google
  3. DropBox
  4. RospBerryPI
  5. BitTorrent
  6. NASA
  7. NSA
  9. Yahoo
  10. Honeywell
  11. HP

Why Python ?

  1. Software Quality
  2. Developer Productivity
  3. Program portability
  4. Support Libraries
  5. Enjoyment

What is Python

  • Python is programming language.
  • Python is general purpose,high level,portable & multi-paradigm programming language.
  • Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.
  • Python's simple, easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance.

Programming Language

  • A Programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instruction to a machine particularly a computer.
  • A programming language is a formal language, which comprises a set of instructions used to produce various kinds of output. 
  • Programming languages are used in computer programming to create programs that implement specific algorithms.

Scripting Language

  • Scripting languages is a type of programming languages used to write small Scripts.
  • Scripting languages are used to automate the functionality of developed software.
  • Scripting languages are interpreted.

Types of Scripts
  1. Client Side Scripting Language
 The Scripting which is running within the browser is called as   Client Side Scripting.
  1. Live Script
  2. Java Script
  3. Type Script
  4. Action Script
  2.Server Side Scripting Language

The Script which running within the web server is called as Server Side Scriptng.


Python ==> SimpleHTTPServer
ASP ==> IIS (Internet Information Services)
JSP ==> Tomcat/Sun Java System Web Server
PHP ==> Apache

High Level Language

  • All high level languages are in simple English.
  • High level are portable.
  • Portability allows to develop applications on hardware platform.
  • i.e. C,C++,Java,C#, .net,Python.

Low Level Languages

  • The language which understand by computer/machine directly.
  1. Machine Lang.
  2. Assembly Lang.
  • These languages can be used to interact with computer/machine directly.
  • These languages are hardware dependent or non-portable.

What is language ?

  • A language is software which provide set of instruction in order to develop software or communicate with computer.
  • Language  acts as mediator between user & computer.
  • Language is a programming tool.
Types of programming languages:
  1. Low level Languages.
  2. High level Languages.